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- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <utime.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- #include "xutil.h"
- #include "lutil.h"
- #include "config.h"
- extern unsigned long sequencer(void);
- static FILE *infp=NULL;
- static char *infpath=NULL;
- static time_t intime;
- static int isfreq;
- char *freqname=NULL;
- /*
- Try to find present (probably incomplete) file with the same timestamp
- (it might be renamed), open it for append and store resync offset.
- Store 0 in resync offset if the file is new. Return FILE* or NULL.
- resync() must accept offset in bytes and return 0 on success, nonzero
- otherwise (and then the file will be open for write). For Zmodem,
- resync is always possible, but for SEAlink it is not. Do not try
- any resyncs if remsize == 0.
- */
- FILE *openfile(char*,time_t,off_t,off_t*,int(*)(off_t));
- FILE *openfile(fname,remtime,remsize,resofs,resync)
- char *fname;
- time_t remtime;
- off_t remsize;
- off_t *resofs;
- int (*resync)(off_t);
- {
- char *opentype;
- char *p,x;
- char ctt[32];
- int rc,ncount;
- struct stat st;
- struct flock fl = {
- 0,
- 0L,
- 0L,
- 0
- };
- char tmpfname[16];
- strcpy(ctt,date(remtime));
- debug(11,"openfile(\"%s\",%s,%lu,...)",fname,ctt,remsize);
- if ((fname == NULL) || (fname[0] == '\0'))
- {
- sprintf(tmpfname,"%08lx.pkt",sequencer());
- fname=tmpfname;
- }
- if (infpath) free(infpath);
- infpath=xstrcpy(inbound);
- infpath=xstrcat(infpath,"/tmp/");
- infpath=xstrcat(infpath,fname);
- if ((strlen(fname) == 12) &&
- (strspn(fname,"0123456789abcdefABCDEF") == 8) &&
- (strcasecmp(fname+8,".req") == 0))
- {
- debug(12,"received wazoo freq file");
- isfreq=1;
- }
- else isfreq=0;
- /*
- Renaming algorythm is as follows: start with the present name,
- increase the last character of the file name, jumping from
- '9' to 'a', from 'z' to 'A', from 'Z' to '0'. If _all_ these
- names are occupied,
- */
- p=infpath+strlen(infpath)-1;
- x=*p;
- ncount=0;
- while (((rc=stat(infpath,&st)) == 0) &&
- (remtime != st.st_mtime) &&
- (ncount++ < 62))
- {
- if (x == '9') x='a';
- else if (x == 'z') x='A';
- else if (x == 'Z') x='0';
- else x++;
- *p=x;
- }
- if (isfreq || (ncount >= 62)) /* names exhausted */
- {
- rc=1;
- p=strrchr(infpath,'/');
- *p='\0';
- p=tempnam(infpath,",");
- free(infpath);
- infpath=xstrcpy(p); /* tempnam() returns pointer to a static
- buffer, right? */
- }
- *resofs=0L;
- opentype="w";
- if ((rc == 0) && (remsize != 0))
- {
- loginf("resyncing at offset %lu of \"%s\"",st.st_size,infpath);
- if (resync(st.st_size) == 0)
- {
- opentype="a";
- *resofs=st.st_size;
- }
- }
- debug(11,"try fopen(\"%s\",\"%s\")",infpath,opentype);
- if ((infp=fopen(infpath,opentype)) == NULL)
- {
- logerr("$cannot open local file \"%s\" for \"%s\"",
- infpath,opentype);
- free(infpath);
- infpath=NULL;
- return NULL;
- }
- fl.l_pid=getpid();
- if (fcntl(fileno(infp),F_SETLK,&fl) != 0)
- {
- loginf("$cannot lock local file \"%s\"",infpath);
- fclose(infp);
- infp=NULL;
- free(infpath);
- infpath=NULL;
- return NULL;
- }
- intime=remtime;
- if (isfreq)
- {
- if (freqname) free(freqname);
- freqname=xstrcpy(infpath);
- }
- debug(11,"opened file \"%s\" for \"%s\", restart at %lu",
- infpath,opentype,*resofs);
- return infp;
- }
- /*
- close file and if (success) { move it to the final location }
- */
- int closefile(int);
- int closefile(success)
- int success;
- {
- char *newpath,*p;
- int rc=0,ncount;
- char x;
- struct stat st;
- struct utimbuf ut;
- debug(11,"closefile(%d), for file \"%s\"",success,infpath);
- if ((infp == NULL) || (infpath == NULL))
- {
- logerr("internal error: try close unopened file!");
- return 1;
- }
- rc=fclose(infp);
- infp=NULL;
- if (rc == 0)
- {
- ut.actime=intime;
- ut.modtime=intime;
- if ((rc=utime(infpath,&ut)))
- {
- logerr("$utime failed");
- }
- }
- if (isfreq)
- {
- if ((rc != 0) || (!success))
- {
- loginf("removing unsuccessfully received wazoo freq");
- unlink(freqname);
- free(freqname);
- freqname=NULL;
- }
- isfreq=0;
- }
- else if ((rc == 0) && success)
- {
- newpath=xstrcpy(inbound);
- newpath=xstrcat(newpath,strrchr(infpath,'/'));
- p=newpath+strlen(newpath)-1;
- x=*p;
- ncount=0;
- while (((rc=stat(newpath,&st)) == 0) &&
- (ncount++ < 62))
- {
- if (x == '9') x='a';
- else if (x == 'z') x='A';
- else if (x == 'Z') x='0';
- else x++;
- *p=x;
- }
- if (ncount >= 62) /* names exhausted */
- {
- rc=1;
- p=strrchr(newpath,'/');
- *p='\0';
- p=tempnam(newpath,",");
- free(newpath);
- newpath=xstrcpy(p); /* tempnam() returns pointer to
- a static buffer, right? */
- }
- debug(11,"moving \"%s\" -> \"%s\"",infpath,newpath);
- rc=rename(infpath,newpath);
- if (rc) logerr("$error renaming \"%s\" -> \"%s\"",
- infpath,newpath);
- free(newpath);
- }
- free(infpath);
- infpath=NULL;
- return rc;
- }